Kat Reading

Kat Reading

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pre-op #2

We had Miss Kat's pre-op appointment for her left ear, bilateral, surgery. It was a truly ridiculous appointment. We were at the hospital for two full hours! And for what? We filled out some paperwork and made sure Miss Kat didn't have an active ear infection and......nope, that was everything. Grr, we saw the surgeon for a total of 90 seconds (seriously, not exaggerating here). In those 90 seconds he did say that he would try to make the implants line up, but that it is harder than it seems because when he is inserting the second implant, Miss Kat will be laying on her other ear....well, duh, how come that very reasonable fact never crossed my mind?


leah said...

Wow, you guys are really close to surgery day. Sending lots of hugs and support your way!

Lucky Day said...

jump through the hoops

. said...

Why don't they just shave that side, lay her on her back (or sit her up, or do this while she's awake!) and use a sharpie to mark where the matching implant should be on her skull? Surgeons mark planned cuts this way for all kinds of surgeries all the time. Come on.

. said...

P.S. From your blog, I understand Miss Kat has an ASL/bilingual background and currently attends an oral school. I'm curious whether you maintain her ASL skills in non-school contexts. Do you find it hard to juggle with all the CI/aural training, or is just natural for her (and your family) to be ASL/English bilinguals?

Miss Kat's Parents said...

We still use ASL daily. We attend a Deaf church, she has very close Deaf friends, we are active in our local Deaf community and we use ASL to clarify or when she is just tired of listening. It is definetly way less than when she was a hearing aid user and didn't have access to speech, but we still see ASL as her first language, and that she will continue to use it.