Kat Reading

Kat Reading

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Principal's Award

This year at graduation/honor's day, Miss Kat was awarded a great distinction. She was given "The Principal's Award". She earned this accolade by making greater than 1 year's progress in 1 year's time, in ALL AREAS of her standardized testing!!!! She also received the "President's Award for Educational Achievement" and "High Academic Achievement Award" for "superior achievement in reading comprehension, total math, language and listening,"

In addition to that, we just got her reading assessment (Woodstock Johnson III) back, and she has made tremendous progress. She scored withing the normal range in three areas, and huge gains in all of the areas. In fact, she went from a score of 71 to 87 in "Passage Comprehension"! She gained an average of 5 points (a score remaining the same from year to year indicates a full year's growth) but as high as 14 points (in Reading Comprehension)!

Way to go Miss Kat!!!


kate blue said...

BIG BIG CONGRATS! You will have to email me some pointers as to what you guys did to help her! WTG Miss Kat!

kate blue said...

ps-forgot to add thasat my Thing 2 is now bilateral! He was activated in April!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Christa, I was doing some searching for a new blog to read and I happened upon this one. I have read through your past years of posts, and I think it is so amazing how you are giving Miss Kat the "best of both worlds". She is a precious little girl!! I don't understand all the negative comments some people have left, how rude!!!! Why in the world are they being so ugly?

Anonymous said...

Cool, more than 1 year in a year - so where does she stand now?